CCI May Now Appoint Monitoring Agencies to Ensure Compliance and Supervise the Implementation of Its Orders

  • Blog|News|Competition Law|
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  • By Taxmann
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  • Last Updated on 19 September, 2024

CCI (General) Regulations

Notification No. CCI/ Reg-G.R./08/ 2024-25, Dated: 17.09.2024

The CCI has notified the CCI (General) Regulations, 2024. As per the notified norms, when the Commission deems it necessary to monitor the implementation of its orders under Sections 31, 48A, 48B, or any related provisions, it may appoint agencies to oversee the implementation. These agencies will operate under the terms and conditions set by the Commission. Further, the appointed agencies must be independent of the parties involved in the proceedings and must not have any conflict of interest with them.

The agencies may include an accounting firm, management consultancy, or any other professional organisation, chartered accountants/company secretaries/cost accountants. The agencies appointed must carry out the responsibilities as specified by the Commission, including monitoring the implementation of the orders of the Commission in accordance with its terms of engagement, informing the Commission of any non-implementation or non-compliance of such orders, and maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality in respect of information received or collected during the discharge of its obligations.

Also, the Commission may suspend, or terminate the engagement of these agencies as may be determined by terms of its engagement.

Click Here To Read The Full Notification

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